Cassandra DB with Docker, Python On Windows Operating System

Cassandra DB with Docker, Python On Windows Operating System

A friend of mine just starting his data engineering career journey reached out to me because he had issues with setting Cassandra DB on his system. So I decided to document the whole process so other data engineering newbies can have access to it.

Basic Requirements for getting started

  1. Install Docker from here.

  2. Install Python from here.

After you install Python open your command line or download the terminal from Microsoft Store.

You can use the guide provided by Apache here

Open the terminal and you will see this

After setting up your docker input this

docker pull cassandra:latest

Cassandra is already installed you can view it on your Docker UI

you can create a new host/port for Cassandra by the following command

docker run --name cassandra -d cassandra

your hostname must come after --name while -d cassandra remains unchanged I decided to name my host Cassandra itself.

verify that your hostname is setup on docker by using this command

docker ps

To set up the hostname I had several errors and I will explain how you can bypass the errors.

Open a new command line and input the following command

pip install cqlsh

use the following command

docker exec -it cassandra bash

you would see the following

input the following command after /#

apt-get update

Next you input this command

apt-get install -y python3-pip

After loading input this command


input this command ti run the localhost

docker exec -it cassandra cqlsh

you should see this

indicating it is being set up already

To get teh above image I followed the following steps from Apache Cassandra Page Here

Step 3, 4, 6 and 7.