Bar Chat Webapp With Streamlit & Plotly

Bar Chat Webapp With Streamlit & Plotly

I need to celebrate this little but purposeful achievement of mine lol.

My journey to get to work with Stream lit was a very rough but exciting journey

I just couldn't understand how it worked after several trials, I am glad to say i finally did it.

I love Stream lit and Plotly a whole lot now.

I built a simple bar chat web app using Streamlit and Plotly.

The reason I am sharing my simple project is to help anyone struggling with building a web app using Streamlit.

It took me a very long time to finally understand and be able to build a simple bar chat with Stream lit.

And I know there are several other people like me who is currently battling with building a data science project with Stream lit.

Deploying my apps to Heroku is still a work in progress for me, but the Heroku team have been extremely helpful by guiding me through emails.

Here is how I built my first ever simple bar chat with Stream lit & Plotly

Streamlit Documentation

Plotly Graph Guides

Step 1:

I used Pycharm as my IDE for this project.

I installed Streamlit, Plotly, Numpy & Pandas as my library frame work

I downloaded a supermarket sales dataset from Kaggle

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import as px

st.subheader('An App By Pink Data Hub')

This Web app will help you analyze the following;
* Your top 10 selling products
* Your Total Profits For Each Month and Year
* Your top 10 best buying Customers and their locations

sales_data = pd.read_csv('supermarket_sales.csv')

select_branch=st.selectbox('What Branch would you like to visualize?',

select_xaxis = st.selectbox('What variable do you want on the X axis',
                            ['Customer type','Gender',

select_yaxis = st.selectbox('What variable do you want on the Y axis',
                            ['Unit price','Quantity','Tax5%','Total',
                             'cogs','gross margin percentage','gross income'])

select_product = st.selectbox('What product do you want to visualize?',
                              ['Food and beverages','Fashion accessories',
                               'Electronic accessories','Sports and travel',
                               'Home and lifestyle','Health and beauty'])
sales_data = pd.read_csv('supermarket_sales.csv')
sales_data = sales_data[sales_data['Branch'] == select_branch]
sales_data = sales_data[sales_data['Product line'] == select_product]
sales_data = sales_data.groupby(sales_data[select_xaxis])[select_yaxis].sum().head(10).reset_index()

fig =[select_xaxis], y=sales_data[select_yaxis])
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)

Step 2:

I deployed my app using Streamlit cloud

To deploy my app I uploaded my project file to GitHub Read more..

I created a Requirements.txt file. A Requirement file just contains all the libraries you used for your project


Step 3:

I deployed my app to Streamlit cloud

This is just the beginning for me, I will still develop more amazing data app and deploy them all to Heroku

Thank you for starting this journey with me